Monday, July 10, 2023

What is memory loss?

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Memory loss is when you have consistent issues remembering things you could previously recall. It can be either temporary or permanent. Some forms of it are more likely to happen as you age.

The word “memory” describes several interconnected abilities. Those abilities rely on many different areas of your brain working together properly. Memory loss can happen when memory-related brain areas don’t work as they should.

Commonly, memory loss is a symptom of other medical conditions. It’s also important to know that minor memory difficulties, like taking longer to remember things, are typical as you age. If it simply takes longer to remember things but your memory still works, it’s less likely to be a form of disease However, if you’ve experienced something that makes you question if you have memory loss, you’re certainly not alone.

What are the different types of memory loss?

Memory loss can be acute and happen suddenly. It can also be progressive, meaning it happens repetitively and worsens gradually over time.

  •       Acute memory loss: Commonly known as amnesia, this usually happens because of a sudden illness, injury or other events that disrupt your memory processes.
  •       Progressive memory loss: This is memory loss that happens gradually. It’s sometimes a symptom of a degenerative brain disease.

What are the first signs of memory loss?

It’s important to understand that progressive memory loss isn’t just slowed recall. If you can remember things with enough time and without hints, it’s probably not true memory loss.

Memory loss is one of the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This is when there are notable changes in your memory or other aspects of your cognition, like language. Your daily functioning remains the same, but there’s a noticeable difference. It can be one of the first signs of developing dementia or similar conditions, but it’s not a universal symptom of these diseases.

Progressive memory loss that becomes more severe than MCI can take years before it becomes apparent. But some conditions involve an accelerated version of this, causing memory loss to happen over several months or a few years.


Try this HARVARD memory restoring discovery (takes 10s everymorning)

What does memory loss look like?

Again, it’s important to know that true memory loss isn’t just slowed recall. If you can remember things with enough time and without hints, it’s probably not memory loss.

Memory loss can often look like the following:

  •         Asking the same question multiple times.
  •         Trouble remembering recent conversations.
  •         Misplacing commonly used items.
  •         Missing appointments.
  •         Forgetting to pay bills or handle other responsibilities.

If these symptoms appear with any of the following, it’s a good idea to see a healthcare provider:

  •         Trouble saying or finding the right word (aphasia).
  •         Having difficulty with tasks you could do previously without issue (apraxia).
  •         Trouble recognizing things, such as faces or familiar items (agnosia).
  •         Trouble with impulse control, planning or concentrating attention (executive dysfunction).


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Is memory loss preventable?

Progressive memory loss usually isn’t preventable.

Amnesia is sometimes preventable, depending on the cause. Some ways to prevent it or reduce the risk of developing it include:

  • Wear safety equipment. Head injuries are one of the most common causes of injuries that can cause memory loss. Using safety equipment can help you avoid injuries that cause brain damage and memory loss. Examples include helmets and seat belts (or other vehicle safety restraints).
  • Manage health conditions. Conditions that can increase your risk of stroke (which can lead to memory loss) are often manageable. Conditions you can manage include Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension). You should also manage other conditions that can affect your brain, like epilepsy.
  • Manage mental health conditions. Many mental health conditions are treatable. Depression, which may cause cognitive problems, often responds to medication and/or therapy.
  • Reach and maintain a weight that’s healthy for you. You can reduce your risk of circulatory conditions affecting your brain by managing what you eat and how active you are. While it’s not always possible to prevent these issues completely, you may be able to delay them or keep them from being more severe.
  • Don’t ignore infections. Ear and eye infections can spread to your brain, causing widespread disruptions, severe complications or even life-threatening issues. Treating infections sooner rather than later can help you avoid that.
  • Take medications as prescribed. Memory loss is much less likely when you take medications exactly as prescribed.
  • Go for your yearly physical with your primary provider. Avoid unnecessary medication.
  • Avoiding nonmedical drug use is also a key way to avoid memory loss. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Moderate alcohol consumption is two drinks per day (14 or fewer per week) for men and people assigned male at birth and one drink per day (seven or fewer per week) for women and people assigned female at birth.

Amnesia always needs medical attention. It can be a symptom of a stroke, aneurysm or other severe brain condition. If you know you have a brain-related condition that can cause amnesia, ask your healthcare provider when you should get medical care related to amnesia.

You should see a healthcare provider if you notice signs of progressive memory loss in yourself or a loved one. Doing so sooner can help uncover the reason for the memory loss and offer the chance to treat it in the early stages (if possible).

Early care also helps you plan for the future if you have a permanent condition. One thing you can do is have conversations with your loved ones about what you want if you can’t make choices for yourself. It’s also a good idea to put any wishes you have for your medical care into writing.


Click here to learn about this unusual

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by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/01/2023.

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