Friday, March 19, 2021

5 Benefits of Onion You Probably Didn’t Know About


Onions are a beloved vegetable, and while you likely add them to your food to add flavor, they’re also packed with health benefits. Onions contain plant compounds, minerals and key vitamins your body needs to function properly.

The health benefits of onion have been studied since ancient times.

And many of the claims that were made then have now proven to be true thanks to modern science.

What are the Benefits of Onion?

1. Reduces High Blood Pressure and Decreases Cholesterol

Heart health is important. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Onions have potential heart health benefits, according to numerous studies. A few of the many benefits are:

  •      Decreased cholesterol. A study on 54 women found that bad LDL cholesterol was reduced in just eight weeks after eating 40 to 60 grams of onions per day, depending on your weight.
  •       Inflammation. Onion is shown to be a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. A 2011 study found that onion could combat vascular inflammation and reduce oxidative stress.

When patients with high blood pressure were given high amounts of onion, they were able to reduce their systolic blood pressure by up to 6 mmHg when compared against the placebo group.

The anti-inflammatory properties have the potential to also protect against blood clots.

If you add onion into your diet, you’re not only adding to the taste of your food, but also boosting your heart health in the process.

2. Cancer-Fighting Compounds

Cancer is a word no one wants to hear. Lowering your risk of cancer is possible by eating onions. As an allium vegetable, onion and garlic have been linked to colorectal and stomach cancer risk reduction.

The ability to reduce risks does not mean that it eliminates risks completely.

An analysis of 26 studies found that people who eat high levels of onion were 22% less likely to suffer from stomach cancer during their lifetime. Another analysis of 16 studies found that onion intake was able to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 15%.

Why do garlic and onion help reduce the risk of these two cancers?

Scientists are still unsure of the exact reason, but they believe that flavonoid antioxidants and sulfur compounds in onion are responsible for the cancer-fighting properties of this vegetable. The sulfur in onions was also the focus of another study on tumors, and was found to decrease development and also stop the spread of certain forms of cancer.

3. Help Control Blood Sugar and Diabetes

People with prediabetes and diabetes can benefit from adding more onion to their diets. Onion consumption is linked to blood sugar control. Multiple studies show that onion can reduce high blood sugar levels.

A study on people with type 2 diabetes found that consuming raw red onion reduced blood sugar levels by 40mg/dl even after four hours of consumption.

Fasting blood sugar levels and body fat fell for participants of another study when they were given 5% onion extract per day. The study was conducted on diabetic rats and lasted for a period of 28 days.

What's particularly interesting is that onion, specifically the compound quercetin, was shown to provide whole-body blood sugar control by interacting with numerous organs in the body, including small intestine, liver, pancreas and others.

4. Digestive Boosting Properties

Fiber and prebiotics are both very important for digestive health. When eaten in large quantities, these two ingredients lead to optimal gut health and overall better digestion. Onions have both fiber and prebiotics that have been shown to:

  • ·         Reduce inflammation
  • ·         Boost digestion
  • ·         Boost gut health
  • ·         Increase immunity

Prebiotics not only help with digestive health, but they’re essential in improving your body’s absorption of minerals. There's also evidence that inulin can increase the body’s good gut bacteria and immune function.

If you have digestive issues, you can’t ignore these onion benefits, which have the potential to improve digestion, food absorption and also increase your gut health in the process.

5. Improve Your Hair and Skin

Beauty health is also improved thanks to onion’s ability to help support and maybe even contribute to the production of collagen. Onions are filled with many skin and hair health boosting vitamins, such as:

  • ·         Vitamin A
  • ·         Vitamin C
  • ·         Vitamin K

Onion juice is the primary source of hair health thanks to the additional sulfur inside of the onions. The sulfur can help support and potentially thicken hair. There's also anecdotal evidence that the oil can help prevent hair loss and even promote new hair growth.

Collagen is the main skin booster and is an important part of your skin maintaining its elasticity.

Healthy skin cells can be produced, thanks to the addition of collagen, and new hair growth may also occur. The potential circulation boosting potential of onion may also help with better skin and hair health.

Where Do Onion’s Health Benefits Come From?

Onion is a nutrient-rich vegetable that is loaded with fiber, minerals and vitamins. The vegetable has a high level of vitamin C, which is known to be a natural immune booster and also aids in other important functions, such as:

  • ·         Iron absorption
  • ·         Tissue repair
  • ·         Collagen production

But that’s not all of the power behind onions. A single onion is also rich in B vitamins that are responsible for nerve function, cell production and metabolism. Potassium content is also high, which helps assist with kidney function, fluid balance, cell function and nerve transmission.

Antioxidant compounds are also a key component of onion and can help combat oxidation. If allowed to persist, oxidation can lead to diabetes, cancer and heart disease. There are over 25 flavonoid antioxidants in onions.

Red onions, for example, have anthocyanins in them, which have been shown to help reduce heart disease risks.

The high antioxidant power of red onions has also been linked to a 32% reduced risk of heart attack in women.

Onion intake is one of the key things that you can do to better your health with food alone. Simply eating higher amounts of onion can help you reduce your risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and numerous other health problems. 

So, if you love onions like I do, continue eating them as much as you can and enjoy the many benefits of this amazing vegetable.

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